Tag Archives: artificial grass

Drought Preparedness

Global warming is happening and unless everyone begins taking drought preparedness seriously we will be too late.  California is experiencing the effects of drought and are now taking precautionary measures (see what they are doing). Here, in British Columbia the time to be pro-active is now, not tomorrow.  SYNLawn is leading the synthetic grass industry […]

Chafer Grubs Killing Grass Everywhere!

It’s evident throughout the lower mainland chafer grubs have destroyed lawns and are creating a nuisance while attracting crows, skunks and raccoons. Over winter these grubs have been munching on the roots of grass creating tunnels under lawns. Rodents and birds come to feast on the grubs. As these grubs mature and become a chafer […]

Vancouver lawns being killed by chafer beetle

It’s obvious Vancouver lawns being killed by chafer beetle is a spreading epidemic! Much like the devastation created throughout British Columbia with the spread of pine beetle, chafer beetle is quickly leaving its’ mark on lawns all over the Mainland. The European Chafer Beetle has settled down and is here to stay.  It destroys grass […]