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Fake Grass Over Concrete

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so is fake grass or cement more appealing?  Your real estate, your front or backyard can be turned into your secret oasis that requires zero to little maintenance.  That means no chemical pesticides, no pollution from gardening machinery, no excess water usage on hot days and […]

What’s Happening

The team have been very busy recently with installations in and around the Vancouver area, attending charity events and sponsoring  the Invitational tournament to all club pros, amateurs and club champions.  Here’s a few photo’s of what’s happening with Vancouver SYNLawn. And to top it off we have been expanding in the Edmonton area.  With a […]

Drought Preparedness

Global warming is happening and unless everyone begins taking drought preparedness seriously we will be too late.  California is experiencing the effects of drought and are now taking precautionary measures (see what they are doing). Here, in British Columbia the time to be pro-active is now, not tomorrow.  SYNLawn is leading the synthetic grass industry […]