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Vancouver House Prices Still On The Rise

Vancouver house prices still on the rise as stated in the November 16, 2015 headlines in The Vancouver Sun November 16, 2015 that House prices continue to surge in Greater Vancouver. If you are fortunate to live in a single-family residential house of high value you will certainly want to maximize the time you spend at home. If […]

Planning Ahead For Retirement

Baby boomers are exiting the work force and entering into their retirement years in record numbers.  Planning ahead for the obvious changes that will affect our country is essential.  As a business are you prepared for what’s to come? With predictions of 1 in 5 Canadians being retired by 2026 there are huge opportunities for […]

Synthetic Grass Research

SYNLawn has, and always will be committed to supplying quality synthetic grass (some call ‘fake grass) that is ‘GREEN’ and sustainable. If you have done synthetic grass research effectively you understand the importance of purchasing products that are ‘EarthFriendly’ for the future of our world. All of our products are bio-based and 100% recyclable because […]